Thursday, June 26, 2014

What to see in Cyprus. Troodos Mountains

Continue to display photos from our trip Paphos - Cedar Valley - Kykkos Monastery - a picnic in the mountains - waterfall Millomeris - Paphos.
About Kikkos monastery I can tell a lot, but not now. Let it be in my next post. Now I don't have a mood to write ))) Just want to recall and show how it is beautiful in mountains on Cyprus.
We drive from  the monastery to little town Platers (about 35km) but takes longer in mountains. In addition those view made us to stop on every corner. In a lunch time we made a barbecue with our friends. There are special places for that very good and comfortable. Had some tasty snack and go on driving :) 

Most I liked the amazing Platers' views. It is very beautiful!

Troodos Mountains cover a large area and towering over the whole island.
Mountains - the only place in Cyprus, where winter snows. From January to March and sometimes in April, the Cypriots have the opportunity to go skiing. The highest mountain of Cyprus is Olympos - 1951 m, it is also called Hionistra Cypriots, which means "Cypriot snow", built four ski-lift. The mountain top is available for tourists - there is English military radar used by the British for radio coverage. This pure white ball is visible from afar.
  If we assume that the height of the mountains over 300 meters, then turn over a third of the territory of Cyprus. In northwestern foothills descend directly to the sea, and one spur branches to the Akamas peninsula.
Troodos massif originated about 70 million years ago, when the current Cyprus still lying at the bottom of an ancient ocean, which geologists call "Tifusa sea." As a result of lifting the ocean floor, the water appeared the Troodos range, "pulling" for themselves and the island. Show the top ridge is a unique ophiolite complex which volcanologists studying, trying to understand how formed 90 million years ago, the bottom of the oceans.
The highest of the mountains, formed in prehistoric times as a result of the collision of continental plates, known as Olympus, and its peak is located at an altitude of 1951 m above sea level. High ridge stretches to the east at a distance of 40 km, after which it gives way to a more moderate heights. Despite the frightening appearance, these mountains can not be called barren: and the village near the road you will find all the vertices, except, perhaps, the most high.

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

triplets in Troodos Mountains

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