Saturday, September 14, 2013

Subconscious mind. Note for parents.

They are talking a lot about power of subconscious mind. And actually I believe in this too.
Also I strongly believe in that subconscious mind has no sense of humor. That's why I never make  a bad jokes about myself of about valuable people. And in general bad jokes about anybody. People often joke themselves into unhappy experiences.
You can explain yourself different ways about how it works. If you are a Christian like me than for you is enough the words of Christ, who mentioned many times the strength of believing. If you are atheist you still can explain it by that a man who believe in anything in subconscious level makes that to be real by own actions ruled in that moments by own feelings or indeed by his subconscious mind.
So, first and last explanation actually have similar meaning for me. Simply, first one says that we can do more and last puts you in frames of humans material life.
Subconscious mind
From us like parents it's important thing to note. We meet out children in life like a white and clear papers. I we will make them believe about themselves that they are happy and successful people - it will be so indeed for them! And opposite if every time to say that they are not good enough, that life is hard, around is evil - it can come true too by the same mechanics. It means parents make their children to be successful and happy, not a good school and expensive university.
Remember you  life now, analyze, and you if you be honest you understand  that everything we are the reason of every thing what happens to us in our life.

Maxim Vasilkov

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